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How music and coffee affect brain function and performance

Stephanie Hsu
coffee, music, brain, performance

Ever sipped your morning coffee and felt a surge in work productivity? Or have you noticed that your focus sharpens when you're immersed in your favorite song? It's not just a feeling; there's science behind it.

In today's fast-paced world, everyone is on the hunt for ways to boost productivity. But what if the secret to enhanced focus and productivity lies in our brain's response to everyday stimuli like music and coffee? A recent study from the University of Houston delves into this intriguing possibility.

Work productivity and everyday stimuli

Researchers at the University of Houston's Computational Medicine Lab set out to explore how everyday stimuli, such as auditory stimulation (music), gustatory stimulation (coffee), and olfactory stimulation (perfume), can influence our cognitive performance.

The study involved participants performing memory-related n-back tasks (cognitive tests where participants must recall an item presented 'n' items ago, challenging their working memory), while being exposed to different conditions: listening to various types of music, smelling a fragrance, or drinking coffee.

How does coffee affect brain function?

People have long associated coffee, a staple in many daily routines, with heightened alertness. In the study, researchers explored its direct impact on cognitive tasks, shedding light on our brain's intricate response to this beloved beverage. Consuming coffee has been shown to enhance performance, leading to quicker reaction times and increased accuracy in responses. This improvement is linked to the modulation of beta signal activity in the brain, a brain frequency associated with heightened alertness and active cognition. Analysis indicates that coffee influences these beta signals, optimizing cognitive performance.

What are the cognitive benefits of listening to music?

Music, a universal form of expression, has profound effects on our mood and cognition. The study delves deep into how different genres can influence our performance in memory-related tasks. Intriguingly, the researchers found that listening to music of various genres produced a consistent increase in cognitive performance state, again, leading to quicker reaction times and correct response rates. What is even more interesting is that AI-produced music resulted in the strongest effect. This raises the question: What makes AI-produced music different from other genres?

How does scent improve performance?

While the aroma of a fragrance can evoke memories and emotions, its impact on cognitive function is less explored. This specific study did however find that smelling perfume also increased the average levels of performance states. 

coffee, music, brain, performance

The role of EEG in cognitive research

Muse EEG headsets have revolutionized the way we understand brain activity. While many recognize the Muse EEG headband for its capabilities in promoting mindfulness, sleep and meditation, its role extends far beyond.

As demonstrated in this study, the Muse headband is a powerful tool for capturing real-time EEG data, offering invaluable insights into cognitive health and brain function. Its application in research settings underscores its potential as a comprehensive brain health tool.

The MINDWATCH technology used in this research, allows wearable devices to decode internal brain states of cognitive arousal and performance, making it feasible to track and improve these cognitive states for everyday life applications.

Findings and implications

The results were enlightening. Listening to music, especially music tailored to individual preferences, had a noticeable impact on participants' cognitive performance. Similarly, olfactory stimuli (like fragrances) and drinking coffee also showed potential in modulating brain states.

These findings have significant implications for the workplace and our daily lives. Simple interventions, like choosing the right background music or taking a coffee break, can potentially improve focus and concentration. For those seeking to enhance their work productivity, understanding how these stimuli affect brain function can be a game-changer.

How does the brain respond to everyday stimuli? 

From the aroma of a fragrance to the taste of our morning brew, our brain constantly processes a myriad of stimuli. The study found that these everyday stimuli like listening to music and drinking coffee result in higher levels of beta band power in brain waves.

Everyday stimuli that can naturally enhance cognitive fitness:

  • Music: As the recent study highlighted, immersing oneself in music can have profound effects on cognitive performance. Whether it's classical tunes, jazz rhythms, or your favorite pop song, music can elevate mood, improve focus, and even enhance memory recall.
  • Nature: Stepping outside and immersing oneself in nature can have positive effects on the brain. The sounds of birds chirping, the sight of greenery, and the fresh air can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive clarity. Even a short walk in a park can make a difference!
  • Aromas: Certain scents have been known to stimulate the brain. For instance, the aroma of rosemary can improve concentration and memory, while lavender can reduce stress and anxiety. Using essential oils or scented candles can introduce these beneficial aromas into your environment.
  • Dietary choices: What we consume daily can significantly impact our cognitive health. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, antioxidants found in berries, and dark chocolate with its flavonoids can enhance brain function. Even your morning cup of coffee, as the study suggested, can sharpen focus and improve alertness.
  • Social Interactions: Engaging in meaningful conversations, laughing with friends, or even a simple chat with a neighbor can stimulate the brain. Social interactions challenge our brain to think, recall memories, and understand emotions, all of which contribute to cognitive fitness.

coffee, music, brain, performance

Beyond the study: Muse and brain health

The Muse EEG headband's role in this study highlights its versatility.

Beyond meditation practices, Muse is increasingly recognized as a valuable brain wave monitor for brain health research.

By measuring brain waves, it provides a window into our cognitive processes, helping researchers and individuals alike understand the brain's response to various stimuli.


In a world where every minute counts, understanding how to optimize our brain's performance is crucial.

Whether you're seeking the best productivity techniques, looking to improve focus at work, or exploring ways to maintain cognitive health, sometimes the answers might be as simple as tuning into your favorite song or savoring that cup of joe. And with tools like the Muse S Headband and the Muse 2 Headband, we're better equipped than ever to understand and harness our brain's potential.


Fekri Azgomi, H., F. Branco, L.R., Amin, M.R. et al. Regulation of brain cognitive states through auditory, gustatory, and olfactory stimulation with wearable monitoring. Sci Rep 13, 12399 (2023).

Verywell Mind. (n.d.). Does Rosemary Actually Improve Your Memory? Retrieved from

Medical News Today. (2023, July 25). Could coffee and AI music help improve productivity and cognition? Retrieved from

Medical News Today. (Updated 2023, March 13). 12 foods to boost brain function. Retrieved from

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