Foundations of Mindfulness: Generosity

Part IIII of our Foundations of Mindfulness series is focused on the principle of: Generosity
Scientist, writer, meditation teacher, and founder of MBSR Jon Kabat-Zinn used the phrase “the mindful cultivation of generosity” to describe the practice of learning how and why to give, beginning with small steps. In his book Wherever You Go, There You Are he goes on to explain that:
“giving…helps us become more mindful of our inner wealth. By practicing mindfulness of generosity, by giving, and by observing its effects on ourselves and others, we are…discovering expanded versions of ourselves.”
What is Generosity?
Generosity is turning away from self-centred actions and turning our time and attention to the needs of others.
It does not have to be monetary, or material and can come in the form of simply giving someone your full undivided attention during a conversation or offering a simple smile to a stranger passing by. We have an untapped wealth of it when it comes to our ability to offer the gift of presence.
Why Should We Cultivate Generosity?
When we authentically give our time and attention to others, it deepens our experience of interconnectivity with the world at large. This can come in the form of improved relationships with others and yourself, higher life satisfaction, better immune health, and an overall positive outlook on life.
It’s also important to remember that it can be practiced not just with others, but with yourself! Self-acceptance, positive affirmations, or some time each day with no purpose can all be little gifts you give to yourself.
Listen to our Attitudes of Mindfulness Collection on the Muse app, with meditations intended to give you tools to become more mindful. Each meditation includes helpful instructions upfront to prepare for your practice.
Tips on Developing Generosity
Learning this new skill is a constantly evolving practice on tuning in and tuning up. Mindfulness teaches us to bring our attention to these patterns that we may not be aware of so we can consciously decide if we want to continue practicing them.
In your next interaction, practice the skill by trying to be 100% present. Greet them with an open heart and open mind to truly understand and hear them & connect with them.
For the remainder of your day, take a moment to reflect on how you can practice cultivating mindful generosity.
Other examples include:
- Recognition and appreciation
- Showing and verbalizing gratitude
- Giving credit and positive feedback
- Letting people know you’re thinking of them
Enjoy experimenting with giving…in little ways at first – directing it toward yourself and toward others with no thought of gain or return and reflect on how that generosity makes you feel.
With time and practice, you can deepen your experience by moving from acts of generosity to cultivating an attitude of generosity.